
NGSeminars 2020: Introduction to biostatistics (30.07.2020)

NGSeminars 2020: Introduction to biostatistics (30.07.2020)

Is biostatistics something different from just statistics? What does it have to do with bioinfromatics? Don't miss our seminar to get answers! Join us on Thursday, 30th July 2020 at 4 PM CET on YouTube or Discord!

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NGSeminars 2020: Nextflow (23.07.2020)

NGSeminars 2020: Nextflow (23.07.2020)

Wouldn't reproducible and scalable computation pipelines make your life easier? Let's give it a try and learn Nextflow with Edgar Garriga! Join us on Thursday, 23th July 2020 at 4 PM CET on YouTube or Discord!

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Virtual NGSymposium 2020

Virtual NGSymposium 2020

NGSymposium goes online! This year we decided to invite the speakers and NGSchool community to the virtual event. We plan keynote lectures of established experts in bioinformatics and some presentations by earlier-stage researchers.

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NGSeminars 2020: Computational notebooks for biomedical research (16.07.2020)

NGSeminars 2020: Computational notebooks for biomedical research (16.07.2020)

Have you ever wondered how to write your code more efficiently and keep your bioinformatics projects ordered and readable? This seminar on efficient coding is for you! Join on Thursday, 16th July 2020 at 4 PM CET on YouTube or Discord!

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